
ELIZA-Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

The non-profit organization ELIZA was founded in 2008 and focuses on the protection and promotion of the rights of children who have suffered or are at risk of experiencing abuse or neglect. Its mandate includes, on the one hand, the prevention of and the fight against child abuse and, on the other hand, the provision of care and treatment to children who have been through abuse or neglect. ELIZA constitutes the only organization in Greece whose mission focuses on pre-school aged children.

Amongst other activities, ELIZA:

Has founded, in collaboration with SOS Villages, the first ever in Greece Model Shelter for the Protection and Rehabilitation of infants and young children who have suffered neglect and other forms of abuse.

Has founded the Child Safety Care Unit “Sofi Varvitsioti’, which operates in the P.&A. Kiriakou Children’s Hospital in Athens under the 2nd University Department of Pediatrics.

Teaches children aged between 5 to 9 years old on how they can protect themselves from sexual abuse through the “Safe Touch” programme, at the same time training parents and teachers.

Has, to date, trained some 5.000 professionals from across Greece who, through their work, come in regular contact with children.

Has distributed 100.000 guidebooks for parents against physical abuse and created awareness videos aiming at sensitizing society.

Collaborates with the organization “One Child-One World”, jointly implementing “VIMA”, a community programme on abuse prevention that supports vulnerable families.

Since October 2018, ELIZA is the Country Partner of ISPCAN, the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect.

Child Safety and Care Unit in Attiko General Hospital –Employment Remuneration for one University Fellow

The Child Safety and Care Unit “Sofi Varvitsioti”, which operates in the P.&A. Kiriakou Children’s Hospital in Athens, constitutes the first specialized hospital space in Greece dedicated on the identification, examination and interdisciplinary response for infants and children exhibiting symptoms of abuse or neglect, as well as the protection of vulnerable families.  In accordance with international standards, the Unit includes a suitably designed and equipped medical area, appropriate for the examination and monitoring of infants and children that may have been inflicted to abuse or neglect. The Unit also provides a meeting and working area for the various professionals involved, while also facilitating innovative training programmes, conferences and other activities in support of children and their families, through collaboration with a variety of specialists, from within and outside the Hospital.

Throughout its two years of Operation, referrals of suspected abuse cases to the Child Safety and Care Unit “Sofi Varvitsioti” more than doubled, marking a significant increase in examinations for possible sexual abuse. As a result, the average length of stay for children undergoing investigation was reduced from 30 days (2016) to 13 (2019), rendering essential the establishment of a 2nd Care Unit in collaboration with the 3d University Department of Pediatrics in Athens, within the
Attiko” General Hospital. The primary goal of this new Unit, whose construction is expected to be completed by the end of January 2021, is to create additional capacity for case response and care provision in an appropriately equipped space staffed by trained professionals of various specialties.

In prioritizing social welfare activities through the reinforcement of actors that have the knowhow and ability to intervene in child protection issues, Matilda Foundation supports ELIZA’s new initiative by undertaking to cover costs related to the employment of one University Fellow for one year, so that the latter may contribute to the day-to-day function of the new Unit. The Fellow’s role is of crucial significance, as, among other, s/he will be following up on possible cases of child abuse, at the same time facilitating communication both within the Hospital and with external stakeholders, including Public Prosecutors, Coroners, Social Workers, Police Authorities and others. Finally, the Fellow will contribute to the design and implementation of prevention programmes aiming at supporting vulnerable families, as well as conducting training sessions.